Fat Grafting to Chin and Jawline with Submental Liposuction
Case ID: 6557
Case ID: 4635
43 year old with significant loss of facial fat. Fat injection was performed to the cheeks, lower eyelids, lid cheek junction, nasolabial folds and perioral area. Note the smooth appearance post-operatively. She is shown before and three month after the procedure.
Fat GraftingCase ID: 4653
34 year old who complained of prominent tear troughs. Fat injection was performed to the tear troughs and cheek. The photos show the before and 3 month after surgery appearance. Note the smooth transition from the cheek to the lower eyelid in the after photograph with elimination of the tear
Fat GraftingCase ID: 4642
63 year old woman with prominent nasolabial folds. Before and three months after fat grafting to the cheeks and nasolabial folds.
Fat GraftingCase ID: 4645
51 year old who wished to have better definition over the lips, that would last longer than fillers. Fat injection was performed to the upper and lower lips. Note the subtle but fuller contours in the after photo taken six months after injection.
Fat GraftingCase ID: 4648
55 year old with sunken lower lids and cheeks. Fat grafting was performed to the lower eyelids, lid cheek junction and cheek. The after photos were taken three months post-procedure and show subtle filling of the lower eyelids and cheek along with decrease in fine skin lines.
Fat GraftingCase ID: 4656
59 year old who presented with recent onset of jowls, excess skin and adiposity over the central neck. She wished to have a face and neck lift to correct these issues. She also had a lower eyelid lift done previously by another surgeon with hollowing of the eyes from too
Fat Grafting