All brows have two components; brow shape and brow height. These need to be in balance for brows to look attractive.
In our blog today, we will address the first of these, namely brow shape
1. An attractive eyebrow has a gentle arch such that it peaks at the junction of the inner two thirds and outer one third (upper end of vertical line in the photo)
2. The inner end of the eyebrow is always lower than the outer end of the brow (note the horizontal line and how the inner end of the brow is at the line whereas the outer end is above this horizontal line)
3.The peak of the brow ( upper end of vertical line) when traced vertically down is about 2 to 3 mm inside of the outer corner of the eye (see where the vertical line intersects the eye)
Brows look misshaped after a surgical brow lift when one of these happen:
1. The arch is not present or if present, the high point of the arch is not at the junction of the inner two thirds and outer one third
2. The brows are raised too high (What constitutes a high brow? will be discussed in detail in part two of brow aesthetics that will be posted soon)
3. The brow height is not in balance with the lower lid / cheek junction (discussed in detail in part two)
At Solomon Plastic Surgery, we strive for a natural look! At consultation we will discuss options for brow surgery that may include a brow lift, fat injection to the brows or eyelid surgery without a brow lift.