Lower Blepharoplasty
Case ID: 4740
Case ID: 4661
40 year old with lower eyelid bags. Post-operative photos were done 4 months after surgery and show a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. There is also a smooth transition from the cheek to the lower eyelids. The lower blepharoplasty was done from inside the lower lid without making any external incisions.
Lower Blepharoplasty/Upper BlepharoplastyCase ID: 4657
44 year old who complained of heavy lower eyelids. She was constantly asked by friends is she was tired. Note the post operative photo showing full correction of the lower lid bulge. The procedure was done through a transconjunctival approach (from inside the lower eyelid) as opposed to making an
Lower BlepharoplastyCase ID: 4662
38 year old who presented with complaints of a tired look, excess skin over the upper eyelids, fullness over the lower lids and prominent tear troughs. Upper and lower blepharoplasty were performed. She is shown three months after upper and lower blepharoplasty. Note the removal of excess upper eyelid skin
Lower Blepharoplasty/Upper BlepharoplastyCase ID: 4660
60 year old with lower lid bags. Views show before and 4 months after lower eyelid blepharoplasty. There is full correction with elimination of the lower eyelid bags and a smooth transition from the cheek to the lower eyelids.
Lower BlepharoplastyCase ID: 4663
48 year old who presented with complaints of a tired appearance and fullness over the lower eyelids. Exam showed excess skin over the upper eyelids and a prominent tear trough with lower lid fullness worse on the left side. Patient is shown before surgery and six months after upper and
Lower Blepharoplasty/Upper BlepharoplastyCase ID: 4664
This woman presented to my office with complaints of looking tired and fullness over the lower eyelids. A lower eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) was performed and she is shown before and four months after the procedure. After views show full correction of the lower lid bulge. The procedure was done by
Lower BlepharoplastyCase ID: 4666
52 year old with lower lid bags. 52 year old, before and 6 months after lower eyelid blepharoplasty.
Lower BlepharoplastyCase ID: 4667
63 year old with droopy upper eyelids and bagginess of the lower eyelids. A lower blepharoplasty and repair of the droopy upper eye lid was performed. He is shown before and 6 months after the procedure.
Lower Blepharoplasty